Calendar kludge in place, reservation automation still broken

With the campus sunset of Google Calendar, the existing calendar and the automation of the reservation system are broken. Using calendars on a personal Gmail account, we have provided a way to post instrument reservations online so that you, dear user, are able to easily see whether or not the instrument you wish to use is free. Calendars for the most-used instruments have been made, and the others will follow along (without fanfare). Do note that the colors you are used to seeing for the various instruments will most likely be changed; don’t let this throw you. In order to make life easier, the name of the instrument is clearly shown in the reservation marker on the calendar.

Please continue to refer to the calendar prior to submitting your reservation requests. Your submitted requests will have to be inspected and approved manually, as will additions to the calendar, so the loss of campus-supported Google Calendar has blown us back to the bad old days of non-instantaneous reservations. We will have to manually email you regarding your reservation requests, and you will have to manually add them to your own calendars. Unless you set up a reminder for yourself, you won’t have anyone nagging you about your reservation.

We continue to work on a substitute for the current reservation system and will announce it when it is operational.